Fritillaria Imperialis – Iran Phytogeography
Photo by Farid Sani / Shutterstock
There are various plant species in Iran due to having vast area and different climatic conditions. Geophytographically, Iran is divided into three huge vegetative regions including Europe- Siberia, Irani- Toorani and Sahara- Sind. Besides, it is geographically divided into four regions of Khazari (Caspian), Zagros, Irani- Toorani and the shore of Persian Gulf.
Khazari Region
it includes the plain lands of the coasts of Caspian Sea and some mountainous parts of Alborz which is covered with large-leaf jungles and mountainous meadows. Being away from the frost period, here you can see the species which no longer exist in other countries from among them it can be pointed out to Quercus Castaneifolia, Parrotia Persica, Populus Caspica, Gledistcha Capsica and Taxus Baccata. There is a unique and intersting species in this region which is called Lilium ledebouri, it is grown very limitedly in Rudbar region and is under protection, it has been registered nationally as well.

Avicennia marina (Harra Forest) – Iran Phytogeography
Photo by Sama.GH / Shutterstock
Zagros Region
this region is known with its oak forests. It is covered with snow during the winter because of having cold weather conditions. The main plants of this region are Quercus Brantii, Fraxinus Rotundifolia, Acer Monspessulanum and Crataeguas Spp. But the most gorgeous plant of this region which annually attracts many tourists is called Fritillaria Imperialis. The main feature of this plant is the short time of its flowering.
Irani- Toorani Region
it is divided into two parts in terms of height: the plain part which is from mountains of Khorasan to Zagros Mountain and then reaches Persian Gulf and Oman Sea. The vegetation of this region is Artemisia. The mountainous part of the region includes the southern slopes of Alborz, the eastern hillside of Zagros and the mountains of Iranian Plateau. The commonest species are Onobrychis, Acanthophyllum, Astragalus, Calligonum Persicum, Ungernia Flava, Berberia Khorasanica and Pteropryum Aucheri.
The Shore of Persian Gulf and Oman Sea
it includes the coastal parts of south of Iran and is covered with date palm, Acacia and Jujube and Avicennia marina (Harra Forest). The vegetation in northern parts of Persian Gulf shore and Oman Sea is variable. In the parts with the highest raining amount, Medicago, Gramineae and Leguminocae are grown and around Oman Sea, Nannorhops, Acacia Ehrenbergian, Rhzya Dtricta, Prosopis Cineraria and T.stricta are mostly seen. One of the most famous plants of this region is Zhumeria which is in danger of extinction because of wasteful harvest, this plant has numerous medicinal and therapeutic properties.